ACS/PS Student Grant Recipients
The Puget Sound Chapter of ACS (ACS/PS) was re-established in the summer of 1999 and has more than 70 members. We have a long history of supporting research to benefit cetaceans. Reports from our grant recipients are featured in past issues of the Whulj and/or at our monthly Speaker Series.
tip: click on a year below to see details about the grants awarded that year.
Awarded two student grants ($750 each) to the Society for Marine Mammalogy's 25th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals (Perth, Western Australia 11-15 November 2014).
The focus of the research had to be on cetaceans within the inland waters (Puget Sound/Salish Sea) or the outer coast of Washington State, USA.
One recipient was Anaïs Remili, a postdoctoral researcher at Simon Fraser University, who presented "Diet composition of Endangered Southern Resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) of the Northeast Pacific estimated by quantitative fatty acid signature analysis.".
The other recipient was Chloe Kotik, a PhD student at the University of Alaska Fairbanks who presented "Anthropogenic Contamination May Inhibit Juvenile Survivorship of Mammal-eating Killer Whales (Orcinus orca)"
Awarded three student grants ($500 each) to the Society for Marine Mammalogy's 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals (San Francisco, 13-18 December 2015).
One grant was restricted to research related to acoustics or hearing in cetacean populations occurring within the waters of Alaska, Oregon, Washington, or British Columbia. Two grants were open for any type of research in cetaceans within the waters of Alaska, Oregon, Washington, or British Columbia.
The first recipient was Deborah Sharpe, who will be presenting "Using vocal dialects to assess the population structure of Bigg's killer whales in Alaska".
The second recipient was Kelsey Gil, a MSc student at the University of British Columbia. Kelsey will be presenting "Anatomical specializations for swallowing food in cetaceans."
The third recipient is Florence van Tulder, Oregon State University at Newport. Florence will be presenting "Assessment of vessel disturbance to foraging gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) along the Oregon Coast to inform sustainable ecotourism."
Awarded one student grant ($500 each) to the SMM Biennial Conference in Dunedin, New Zealand. The recipient was Julia Burrows who presented "Fine-scale foraging behavior of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Southeast Alaska".
Awarded two student travel grants ($500 each) to the SMM Biennial Conference in Tampa, FL.
The first recipient was Juliana Houghton who presented "Spatial use, occurrence, and group size of mammal-eating killer whales in the Salish Sea: studies in southern British Columbia and Washington state from 1986 – 2010".
The second recipient was Frances Robertson who presented "Exposure to seismic operations affects bowhead behavior and sightability in the Alaskan Arctic".
Awarded a travel grant of $400 to Sophie Pierszalowski, a student at the University of Washington, majoring in biology, who presented a poster on her research work at the ACS National Conference in Monterey, CA in November. We've asked her to present her work at a future Speaker Series meeting.
Sophie interned during the summer of 2008 with Sally Mizroch, a biologist at NOAA's National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Seattle. She assisted with the tracking of humpback and other whales around Kodiak Island in Alaska and the management of the photo-identification data gathered.
$500 - "A pilot study of the population dynamics of Orcaella brevirostris (Owen in Gray, 1866) in Chilika Lagoon, Orissa, India." This project involves studying the population dynamics of the Irrawaddy dolphin at Chilika Lagoon because it is a flagship species and its effective conservation will require a better understanding of the ecological changes occurring in the lagoon. This species is critically endangered in several countries, with the subpopulation in Chilika Lagoon subject to threats from fishery interactions, boat traffic, and pollution. The methods used to carry out this study will include assessing trends in population abundance through photo-id and mark/recapture, assessing vital rates of this subpopulation (i.e. calculating mean annual birth rate), and looking at stage-based survival/breeding probability of each of the three life stages currently seen in this subpopulation (calves, juveniles, breeding females). Dominique F. Coralie D’Lima of Goa, India, Masters of Tropical Aquatic Ecology (2005), working in collaboration with the Nature Conservation Foundation (Mysore, India) on this project . Read Report (pdf format).
$500 - "Change in killer whale (Orcinus orca) vocalisations due to anthropogenic noise". Andrew Foote, United Kingdom - see Whulj Vol. 6, Issue 1.$500 - Examination of possible reasons for population decline of Southern Resident Killer whales - Stefanie Hawks-Johnson
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