American Cetacean Society Puget Sound Chapter
The Puget Sound Chapter of the American Cetacean Society is a group of people who are interested in whales and the environment they live in. We are part of a national organization; our focus is on international natural science and news about cetaceans, with a special interest in our local orcas and local environment. New members are welcome.
News & Events - Winter 2025 - Whale Friendly Yard signs now available & screening of Coextinction!
Our very popular Whale Friendly Yard signs are back! Every time it rains, chemicals wash off our lawns and driveways, into the stormwater drains and into local rivers and streams. Chemicals can harm birds and fish, and fertilizers promote the growth of algae that choke streams and rob fish of valuable oxygen. This growth restricts the abilities of salmon and other prey fish to reproduce, and ultimately the whales that live in this area will not have the food sources available to keep them alive and thriving.

You can make a difference! As an environmentally-friendly home owner, you can help by pledging to limit the use of toxic chemicals and dangerous herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers, in your lawn and garden. Join ACS/PS, Project SeaWolf, and Whale Scout's Whale Friendly Yards campaign and receive great tips on environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional chemicals and fertilizers. As a participant in the campaign you'll receive a special sign which you may put in your yard, to help educate friends and neighbors about the vibrant connection between our yards, the surrounding rivers and streams, and the wonderful orcas, salmon and other marine wildlife species inhabiting Earth's waters. Contact us to learn more and request your free sign!
ACS/PS, Orca Conservancy, Save Our Wild Salmon, Se'Si'Le, and WashPIRG Students are hosting a free sold-out showing of the powerful documentary Coextinction at the University of Washington's Kane Hall at 6pm on Saturday, January 25th. The purpose of this event goes beyond education, and endeavors to motivate and empower the audience to take personal actions to help the Southern Resident orcas recover and thrive! - more
Past News
Two $750 student travel grants were awarded to the Society for Marine Mammalogy's 25th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in Perth, Australia - more.
Interested in Whales, Dolphins, and the Marine Environment?
Our Speaker Series meetings are free and open to the general public...
Our monthly Speaker Series meetings run from October through June, with a break in January. Join us during the first half of the month at the Phinney Neighborhood Center, Room 6, 6532 Phinney Ave. N., Seattle, just north of the Woodland Park Zoo. Directions. Doors open at 7, the meeting starts at 7:30, and ends by 9 pm.
Information on upcoming and past speakers and topics can be found in our Speaker Series pages. ACS/PS Speaker Series programs are all completely free to the public (although if you can bring a buck or two to drop in the can on the table, donations to help pay for the venue are always appreciated).
We also participate in local educational activities, and join with the other ACS chapters to conduct national programs. If you might be interested in participating, the best way to get to know us is to come to our meetings.
Cool Stuff
We have a storefront on Zazzle, with custom postage stamps, mugs, mousepads, t-shirts, and tote bags which feature artwork from Bonnie Gretz and Uko Gorter. The artwork is gorgeous and 100% of the proceeds benefit our chapter programs.