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Grant Guidelines

ACS Puget Sound Guidelines for Research Grants and Description of the Review Process


    Each research proposal submitted to ACS/PS should contain each of the following aspects, all written in a clear, concise manner.

    1. Abstract - no more than 250 words, on a separate page.
    2. Introduction - problem statement, review of relevant literature.
    3. Proposed research - description of methodology for data collection and analysis, relevance of proposed research to the stated problem. The main body of the proposal should be no more than two (2) pages in length.
    4. Conclusion.
    5. Literature cited.
    6. Budget - specific request of ACS/PS, with details on what those funds will be used for, as well as full project budget. List anticipated and past sources of funding. Indicate whether funding needs to be made in a lump sum or in periodic increments.
    7. Appendices - Curriculum vitae of principal investigator(s), including any previously complete papers on the specific topic.

    1. Initial review by research committee chair
    2. If acceptable for consideration, proposal is reviewed by at least three members of research committee. If initial review is not acceptable, proposal will be returned for corrections.
      1. Review criteria
        1. Proposal subject
          • is research technique a new and/or unique method to aid in the understanding of SRKW biology?
          • are species/human interactions of concern (fisheries takes, direct take, habitat loss, toxics related, etc.).
          • is there a general, or specific, lack of knowledge concerning this species?
          • why the researcher believes this research will benefit the species of interest.
        2. Proposal content
          • is literature survey well organized and complete?
          • is methodology applicable to stated problem?
          • can stated project realistically lead to insight into stated problem?
          • is the budget cost effective?
          • does described project staff appear capable of carrying out project?
          • does proposed research fit into stated objectives of ACS/PS?

    1. Brief statements of research status at 6 month intervals for duration of grant
    2. Two copies of any published articles, abstracts submitted, or other results from funded projects.
    3. ACS/PS is to be recognized as a funding source in any published work, including poster presentations at professional conferences.
    4. Funded project personnel should make themselves available for lectures at ACS/PS general meetings.

    1. One electronic copy of the proposal must be submitted for review.
    2. Grants chair performs initial review.
    3. Grants chair distributes proposal to appropriate reviewers.
    4. If project receives favorable reviews, grants chair submits a recommendation for funding to ACS/PS Board of Directors for final approval.
    5. ACS/PS has a maximum award of $1,000.00 per researcher.
    6. Review process will take 1 month, possibly longer, to complete.
    7. Researchers should take this time frame into account when submitting proposals.

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